In the past month I’ve discovered 3 pairs of socks with a hole in one of the feet. For each pair, I didn’t know the hole was there. I put them on in the morning, nothing unusual. I put my shoes on and began walking. Again, nothing unusual. It wouldn’t be until I’d get home and walk around to feel something funny under my foot that my attention would be drawn to look. I was feeling something different. It was the floor haha I was feeling the floor where I should be feeling fabric. The worst was I noticed it and decided to keep the socks on because I wasn’t going anywhere for the rest of the day. I figured it wouldn’t get too bad and then I’d simply throw them in the trash before I went to sleep that night. But the hole got bigger! Slowly but surely the more I moved, the bigger it got. I had to laugh.
But I had to think about letting go of the old since I’ll be buying new socks out of necessity now. There’s been a lot of that these last few months. Old patterns, beliefs, emotions, situations and relationships showing us where they no longer fit. They have a hole in them. They are becoming (or have been) uncomfortable and we have a choice to make. You may have been feeling this with the crazy astrological shenanigans that have been occurring the last few months. Is it all a coincidence? Depends on who you ask. But between the cosmos, the atmosphere, and our soul evolution…there is change in the air and we get to choose how we respond.
With my socks it’s pretty easy: throw them away or continue to wear them depending on where the hole is. Let it linger a little longer, right? With a situation that hasn’t felt good for awhile, but really is feeling BAD at this point, what do you do? You can take a step back and see how the situation is impacting your life, potentially blocking the experience you really want to have. Or you can sit in the bad feeling because that is what you know. It isn’t always as easy as socks. I’ll share a personal example with you. For years, I’ve had a desire to do a project but didn’t know how it would happen or when. Out of the blue, I received an email from someone who does this exact thing and invited me for a call to learn more about an opportunity. I looked at the email and thought “oh wow, this would be amazing!” Then all of the reasons why I couldn’t do it flooded into my head. Once those thoughts came in I shut the idea down. For months I sat with that email and those nasty thoughts. Some days dreaming of the opportunity and giving myself permission to feel the expansiveness of it and others letting the thoughts run the show. It was pretty exhausting and unproductive.
What was in the way? Well, it was fear. Fear of the unknown and judgment of others built up a wall of resistance. But, it was really a belief I was holding about myself called ‘I’m not good enough’. Do you know that one? I didn’t realize it until talking to a friend and she gave an example from her own life which made something click in my head. It keeps us from doing things that take us out of our comfort zone. It is our ego keeping us ‘safe.’ The belief of ‘I’m not good enough’ can show up in our lives in many different ways. In this specific instance it was imposter syndrome. The thoughts that flooded my head centered around ‘how could I think I’d be able to pull something like this off?’ ‘Who was I to think I could do it?’ ‘So many others are more qualified and have more experience than I do’ ‘Maybe I should forget for now and come back to it at a better time.’
All of these thoughts were completely opposite of how amazing the actual opportunity felt. So why entertain them or give them any air time?!??! I asked myself the same thing several times. It still came down to fear and this pesky belief. In some respects, it felt more comfortable to stay where I knew what was going to happen. It was easier to not step up and play small. But the more I told myself this story, the more I realized I didn’t really believe it because it wasn’t my story. The so called hole got bigger and began to feel more uncomfortable. I had a choice to make. After some reflection and soul searching, I found my true belief about the project and it very much aligned with the expansive, fun, light feeling I had felt the entire time. I was ready to claim my capability and readiness for the project despite all of those pesky thoughts. I also realized there were more pieces coming to me now that I was ready to say yes. I didn’t feel 100% ready in the moment, but I knew I would be when the time came. I took a deep breath and said yes to the project.
How does it relate to socks, again?
Those pesky thoughts had to get loud enough and ridiculous enough for me to make a change. And just as my sock holes had to be large and in the most annoying spot, so did my resistance to this opportunity. I had to say ‘enough is enough! This isn’t helpful, there’s nothing to be afraid of, and if this is something you want to do…JUST DO IT!’ I had to BE the change I wanted to see (remember that from last time?). So I finally said yes to the opportunity and you’ll be hearing about it soon.
What does this mean for you? If you’ve been feeling uncomfortable or stuck lately, you are not alone. You may be walking around with the equivalent of hole-y socks and you get to choose to do something about it: continue holding resistance to the change while continuing to struggle or realize you get to write your story, so you can let go and make change happen if you desire it. But whatever you choose, it’s always helpful to understand what the resistance is related to and why it exists. It serves a purpose and once we understand that purpose we can gain clarity but also movement beyond it. So what do you say? Oh, and I finally did get the new socks, so no more holes…yay!
If you are tired of living with hole-y socks, feeling the resistance of all that you dream to create, I’d love to help you gain clarity and move through to the other side of it however that looks for you. You can click here to schedule a 1:1 energy clearing/coaching session or here for a chat about your goals if you’d like more in depth support.