I was able to drastically improve my health by listening to my body. For most of my life I was completely disconnected from my body, what it wanted, and definitely didn’t know how to listen to it. Actually the concept of listening to my body was completely foreign. It’s almost as if I was walking around as a shell of myself. Here, but not really here, here.
But over the last 6yrs I’ve learned that not only does my body have a voice, the more I listen to it, the better I feel.
So you’re telling me, if I listen to my body then I can feel better?
Yep, that’s exactly what I’m saying!
- Adjust your mind: I had to learn that my body has a voice and didn’t want to work against me. This shift changed my whole life. If you know that your body has a voice, that it wants to talk with you and work with you, and know that you can connect and listen to it anytime you want to. But the first step is to know that it is possible and that you can do it just as easily as the next person.
- Quiet your mind: After you shift your mindset to know that your body has a voice, the easiest way to start listening to it is to get quiet. Meditation is the way I started with this process and is the most commonly recommended tool to quiet the mind so the body’s voice can shine through. By getting quiet and stopping the brain chatter, your body can start to shine through.
- Clear the clutter: I’ve found that when my space is not clear, my mind is not either. There is an energetic pull to having too many things in your physical space, which can get you off your center. By taking a look at your space and making it more clear, fresh, and organized you can help your body relax and improve your ability to hear its messages. Sometimes you can feel your space breathe a sigh of relief when you do a big purge...it’s a good feeling.
There are so many reasons to learn to connect to your body and listen to how it really wants us to work with it. Personally, I’ve found that it can be fun to work with your body daily to flow in and out of situations. It’s like we are a dynamic duo instead of mortal enemies. We just have to learn how to connect and listen.
We’re going to be talking about this and so much more over in the group so feel free to join us. Join the conversation!